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Eventide Herbalist


The second foe the Eventide faced in their fervor for revenge were the elves. Faced with an opponent to whom day and night ment nothing, the Eventide were forced to find a new way to fight. One man, a local herbalist, suggested that they use an extract from a particularily potent type of plant local to their new home as a poison.

From that time on, the Eventide have always had a select group of men who have been trained from an early age in the proper use and application of said poison. Members of this group would attack their enemies far away, with knives.

Ghi chú đặc biệt: The victims of this unit's poison will continually take damage until they can be cured in town or by a unit which cures. Đơn vị này có khả năng hồi máu cơ bản.

Nâng cấp từ:
Nâng cấp thành: Eventide Alchemist
Chi phí: 18
Máu: 30
Di chuyển: 5
KN: 30
Trình độ: 1
Phân loại: trung lập
IDEoS EventideHerbalist
Khả năng: hồi máu +4
(image)dao găm
5 - 2
cận chiến
(image)poisoned dagger
2 - 3
từ xa
Sức kháng cự:
va đập0%
bí kíp20%
Địa hìnhChi phí di chuyểnPhòng thủ
Hang động240%
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Không thể đi bộ qua-0%
Lâu đài160%
Lùm nấm250%
Nước nông320%
Nước sâu-0%
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Đất phẳng140%
Đầm lầy320%